Frequently asked questions
Register and verify any cryptocurrency exchange in your region. After verification, purchase Bitcoins through any of the available payment methods in the exchange e.g. credit card, bank transfer etc. After successfully purchasing Bitcoins, you can easily transfer to your MPK Trading Limited accounts.
To transfer money online from your bank or wallet to your MPK Trading Limited account you must initiate a transfer of funds from your bank or wallet to our bank details or wallet address copied from your account dashboard. Your account will update within 1 business day.
We are not responsible for loss of funds due to transfer of funds to wrong bank details or wallet address.
MPK Trading Limited use client funds to trade the different financial markets daily and make profits. Profit generated every month is usually higher than the return on the investment capital of each investor per month. In cases where the trades we entered go against us, we have a back-up storage up-to $150million to offset losses for our active clients.
MPK Trading Limited protects the securities of clients that are fully paid by segregating them into separate accounts and ensuring that they are not used for other purposes, such as lending to investors or institutions, business investments and expenses. This practice ensures that clients have access to their funds at all times. MPK Trading Limited's account and assets are covered by our insurance programme which protects each client's accounts in the event of loss of funds due to bankruptcy or financial hardship or missing client assets on accounts or losses caused by the activities of MPK Trading Limited. Every customer with active accounts is registered and has active insurance protection.
Our insurance programme protects each client's accounts for up to $1,000,000 in securities, including a $500,000 limit on cash claims pending reinvestment.
We do not provide protection for your lost assets in the event that you give account keys to a third party. Our insurance protection covers investment losses in client accounts due to market fluctuations and also protects against loss of market value of securities (NFT only).
Note: All MPK Trading Limited accounts are eligible for our Insurance Protection Programme.
While we don’t charge a fee for this service, other financial institutions may if they're involved. Our supported currencies are USD, EUR and GBP.